What a fantastic season for Leyton NC - 2 teams promoted & 5 teams retain their position - amazing performance. Teams have grown and every game highlighted the Red Army spirit, grit and determination.
The 2023/2024 season results:
Prem Team - retain in Prem 3. Prem team managed to fight their way through play-offs and retain a position in Prem 3.
Regional Team - retain in Reg 3. Beating the top of the table in the last game retained the teams position.
A Team - retain in Division 1. Throughout the season the A's played well and managed to retain a long-standing position in Division 1.
B Team - promoted to Division 1. An amazing performance and promotion. For the second time in 20 years, we have two teams in Division 1.
C Team - retain in Division 3. The C's had a great season. Unfortunately relying on other team results on the final day for their fate.
D Team - retain in Division 6. A great start, a wobbly middle and a good end see's the D team come 3rd, retaining their position in Division 6.
E Team - promoted to Division 9. Our E team had a phenomenal season going unbeaten with promotion into Division 9.
Can the club do just as well or even better in the 2024/2025 season? - watch this space!
If you would like to join us Leyton are holding trials on Sunday 7th July (10.30 am - 1.30 pm) and Wednesday 10th July 2023 (7pm - 9pm) at the UEL Sports Dock. To trial the sessions will be £10 to join. To register your interest please follow the link. Deadline to register is Thursday 20th June. Applications received after this date will not be accepted.
For more information please email us at Leytonnetball@hotmail.co.uk